Final Approval!
The Eastside waterfront park has received final regulatory approval and will soon become a reality! The formal application to the Boothbay Harbor Planning Board was unanimously approved on October 14th. Thank you to the Boothbay Harbor Planning board, the Maine DEP and to our consultant Mitchell Rasor for working together to make it happen!
We'll be breaking ground shortly and many of the park features will be completed during 2021. We are concerned about the potential erosion of an exposed and sloped waterfront construction site and thus asphalt removal and major construction won't begin until early spring.
Regulatory approval is an important milestone for BBHWP and park construction will be another but they do not constitute mission success. Our aim is to join the other local nonprofit organizations that are successfully enhancing resident quality of life while at the same time attracting visitors to our peninsula.
Thank you for your continued trust as we endeavor to 1) ensure that future generations of residents and visitors enjoy access to Boothbay Harbor waterfront recreation and 2) support our treasured working waterfront.